Navigating The Maze of Homeowner’s Insurance After Storm Damage
Why Does it Matter? Your home is possibly your most valuable asset and the place where you create memories. Understanding how your insurance works can be complicated and intimidating if it is not something you deal with everyday. How do you know if your contractor is being fair? How do you know if your insurance company covering you the way you deserve to be covered? At RoofCo we study insurance policies to insure every homeowner we work with fully understands their coverage in the event filing a claim is necessary. To further protect our customers, we also partner with independent public adjusters to make sure your insurance company is covering you for Everything you and your family are entitled to.
Step 1: Assess the Damage
- Damage can be subtle such as hail damage that is not immediately visible from the ground, or it can be obvious, just a tree limb sticking through your roof. The first step is to have a trained insurance professional, such as RoofCo, fully evaluate your home and provide a detailed report along with photo and video documentation to provide to your insurance company.
Step 2: Filing a Claim + Claim adjuster visit to your home.
- If damage is evident, the Next Step is to contact your insurance company and file a claim. Typically, within 14 days a claims adjuster will visit your home. RoofCo will attend this meeting with your claims adjuster and provide all documentation to your insurance adjuster to verify the full extent of repairs or replacement work needed to your home.
Step 3: Insurance Negotiation and Approval
- Once the inspection is complete, we will serve as a liaison to your insurance provider to make sure that the restoration of your property is handled in a timely manner while maintaining the flow of information to all parties involved. Once the claim is submitted to the insurance company, you will be provided a full report illustrating the exact repairs to be completed to your home. You will then be issued a check to initiate the repair or replacement process. IMPORTANT: This check is for the amount of the estimate minus the depreciation and deductible. Why don’t you receive all of your claim money? Continue reading below…
Step 4: Completing the Process
- Once you are comfortable with the claim, RoofCo will proceed with all repairs agreed to between you and the insurance provider. IMPORTANT: To recover the full amount of your claim, RoofCo will provide you a certificate of completion and provide all appropriate documentation to the insurance provider once the work is complete. Your insurance provider will then issue the remaining balance of your claim.